Get started with formX

A brief introduction to formX, the hassle-free form backend tool

What is formX?

formX is a form backend tool. All you have to do is point your form data to our endpoint APIs. formX will take care of the rest, while you can concentrate on UI of the form with full frontend freedom.

With formX, you need not worry about

  • Template form issues

  • Database schemas, routes

  • Writing API endpoints

  • Managing out of the blue maintenance issues

formX has enabled businesses to streamline data collection and scale forms securely. You can manage all responses with a powerful dashboard. formX is the perfect tool to collaborate and amplify work productivity.

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Jump right in with formX guides

Follow our handy guides to get started on the basics as quickly as possible:

Using the formX dashboardSetting up domain validationIntegrating a form to your website

Fundamentals: Dive a little deeper

Learn the fundamentals of MyProduct to get a deeper understanding of our main features:

Forms in formXWorkspace

Last updated